Person wiping tears from a woman's eyes

Does Pepper Spray Cause Permanent Damage?

Pepper spray is a tool that is commonly used for self-defense purposes or by law enforcement. It is designed to cause temporary incapacitation, not long-term damage, but in some cases, pepper spray may cause more...

Key ring with pepper spray on it

How Long Does It Take to Recover From Pepper Spray?

When you get targeted with pepper spray, you may immediately find it hard to breathe. You may cough, notice a runny nose, or find your eyes red and tearing. Those symptoms, however, generally fade quickly....

Yellow portable stretcher

What Happens If You Get Pepper Sprayed?

Exposure to pepper spray can be a super painful event. Understanding what happens if you get pepper sprayed, how it affects the body, and its potential risks can help you better navigate the aftermath if...

Police in blue uniforms and protective gear

Is Pepper Spray Excessive Force?

Law enforcement and private citizens often use pepper spray as a self-defense tool. However, questions have arisen about whether pepper spray is considered excessive force, particularly in instances where individuals experience severe or lasting health...

Judge in a robe sitting at a desk with justice statue

Can You Sue for Being Pepper Sprayed?

Pepper spray is a common product used for self-defense and crowd control that can cause serious harm in certain situations. Exposure to this substance can lead to severe health issues, including respiratory problems, heart complications,...

EMTs helping man on a stretcher

Can Pepper Spray Cause Serious Bodily Injury?

Pepper spray is often used as a self-defense tool used by civilians and law enforcement. Marketed as a non-lethal way to neutralize threats, it can incapacitate individuals quickly. But while it is effective, pepper spray...